Blended especially with coffee beans of excellent quality and other healthy ingredients with no artificial coloring and preservations.
You can enjoy pure coffee and absorb the excellent effects the healthy ingredients could bring to your health. It is also free of sugar and is therefore suitable for those who want to limit their sugar intake when consuming instant coffee.
Before using Uniwave Instant Coffee Premix 5in1 by Quantes Technology
30 minutes after using Uniwave Instant Coffee Premix 5in1 by Quantes Technology
Ceylon Cinnamon : A spice that fights cancer, and helps control blood pressure.
Black Pepper : A spice with no calories, its aids in weight loss, and is rich in antioxidants.
Turmeric : Known for its disease-fighting abilities, it supports liver health, and aids digestion.
FiberCreme : A diary alternative that's high in fiber and free from gluten, cholestrol, making it a healthy creamer option.
Robusta Coffee : A bitter, low-acidity coffee that promotes weight loss, and enhances brain function.
Arabica Coffee : A coffee variety that keeps you alert and hydrated, and helps maintain healthy skin.
It has 100,000 different kinds of decoding technologies. Boosting the immune system, enhance the metabolism, and recharge the body cells.