When people start a Destina1 business or buy our products, we want them to be confident in their choices. That’s why we’ve established the most comprehensive customer service and consumer protection offering.
Read MoreSince Destina1 products are sold exclusively through Destina1 Independent Representatives or on our website, you won’t see them on store shelves or available through other online retailers.
Destina1 charges an annual subscription fee to cover expenses on resources the company provides to help you effectively run your business.
You start by selling products to friends and family. With Destina1’s coaching, mentoring, and support from fellow vital leaders, you will have the choice and resources to sell high-quality health and beauty products.
Because they are made to a higher standard, product quality, high-quality ingredients, superior design, and intense testing ensure our products are genuine, safe, effective, and durable, sometimes resulting in a higher price.
Destina1 offers various products, including Uniwave Pendant, Uniwave Alkaline Flask, Uniwave Alkaline Stick, Uniwave Biomatrix Shield, Scalarvia enhanced with Uniwave by Quantes Technology, Instant Coffee Premix 5 in 1 enhanced with Uniwave by Quantes Technology, Nutricellz enhanced with Uniwave by Quantes Technology, Bio4Care enhanced with Uniwave by Quantes Technology and Kritalia & Co.
Yes, Destina1 products are safe. Product quality, effectiveness, and safety set us apart as we try to make the world healthier. Our products are award-winning and independently recognized by leading third-party organizations.
Direct selling refers to selling products directly to the consumer in a non-retail environment. Direct selling allows a person to start a business with little overhead costs and no required experience.
No, we do not require additional spending for training materials and events. Destina1 provides millions of optional free training sessions to Destina1 Independent Representatives, such as live presentations, online webinars, podcasts, and classes through our Learning Management Systems.
Destina1 products can only be purchased through a distributor to ensure quality products are delivered and customer demands are met. The Destina1 business model is built on personal service and thoughtful product recommendations from a Destina1 Independent Representatives who knows the products and their benefits.
We don't sell our products in retail stores because the Destina1 direct selling business model is built on personal customer service and thoughtful product recommendations from a Destina1 Independent Representatives who knows the products and their benefits.
No, our Independent Representatives don't need to stock inventory of Destina1 products, and there are no purchase requirements with Destina1 — ever.
Yes. Suppose a person wants to leave the Destina1 business for any reason within the first 90 days. In that case, a generous refund policy for the registration fee is usually available depending on where you live.
DESTINA1 Independent Representatives (IR) make money when their customers buy Destina1 products, and others in their organization sell products.
The specific processes for this may differ by country/market. Still, in most cases, it is as simple as calling a customer service number or providing an email or similar notice to the Destina1 offices in your market. Another option is to not renew at the end of the year and let their registration terminate.
Yes, people around the world earn additional income through their Destina1 business. Destina1 has paid more than $1 billion in bonuses and incentives to its distributors (Destina1 Independent Representatives) since its founding in 2012.
No. Destina1 Independent Representatives make money from the sale of our products. But, if no product is sold, nobody makes any money.
Yes. Destina1 is the sole source of income for thousands of people worldwide, and they have built quality lives for themselves and their families.
With Destina1, you decide your goals and how much time you want to put into the business. Compensation and bonuses are based on your performance in selling our products.
We're one of the most recognizable entities in the industry. As a result, we've attracted great attention through the years – good and bad. While most Destina1 Independent Representatives had a positive experience with Destina1, owning their own business may not suit everyone.
Yes. Destina1 products are purchased and sold through our Independent Representatives to a solid and active customer base of people who buy our products because they benefit from them.
Every Destina1 Independent Representative must be explicitly clear about how their business is connected to Destina1.
No, Destina1 is not a scam. We have been a direct selling business, making and selling products through Independent Representatives since 2012.
Yes. You are never obligated to stay with Destina1 after you join and can leave whenever you'd like.
Selling products, not recruiting, is essential to the Destina1 business. Destina1 Independent Representatives must sell products, and people on their sales teams must also sell products to earn income.
No, this is a common misperception about direct selling and with Destina1. It is incorrect that the people who started in Destina1 earlier or are "at the top" of the business make all the money.
No, Destina1 is NOT a cult.
Like other large established companies, our direct-selling business has a distinct environment defined by shared business goals. These shared business philosophies should not be misinterpreted as something else.